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"); printf ("\"%s\"", $topImage, $topImageAlt); print ("\n"); print ("

Zurück zu Raskes Staffbazar

"); print ("\n"); printf ("", $headlineText, $headlineText); print (""); print (""); print (""); print (""); print (""); print (""); print (""); print ("\n"); $query = "select rezept.*, locType.* from rezept, reztype, attribute, rez_atr, locType " . "where reztype.typeName = \"Schneider\" " . " and rezept.typeIndex = reztype.typeIndex" . " and attribute.name_de in (" . $Filter . ")" . " and rez_atr.atrIndex = attribute.atrIndex " . " and rezept.rezIndex = rez_atr.rezIndex " . " and locType.locIndex = rezept.locIndex " . " order by rezept.locIndex, skilllevel, playerlevel"; $iconPath = "../icons/"; $link = mysql_connect("mysql3.kontent.de", "net1182731", "jf310500") or die("DB Verbindung nicht möglich"); mysql_select_db("net1182731"); $res = mysql_query($query, $link); if ( !$res ) die("Die Anfrage '$query' konnte nicht ausgeführt werden."); // Daten auslesen while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC) ) { print (""); printf ("", $iconPath, $row["picture"], $row["name_de"]); printf (""); else printf ("
%s", $row["bemerkung"]); printf ("", $row["skilllevel"]); printf ("", $row["playerlevel"]); printf ("", getAttributesWithHighlight ($row["rezIndex"], $Keyword, $highColor, $link)); printf ("", $row["locName"]); printf ("", getIngredients($row["rezIndex"], $link)); print ("\n"); } ?>
 Name (Deu/Eng)Skill- levelSpieler- levelAttribute Komponenten (Anzahl)
%s", $row["name_de"], $row["name_en"]); if ($row["bemerkung"] == NULL) print("